
User Guide


📝 Track your daily tasks

Cheese features storage to store and retrieve your tasks, even after closing the application.

🌈 Add a variety of tasks

Cheese supports a variety of tasks, including: Todo, deadline, and event.

🔍 Find tasks easily

Cheese can help you find tasks with a search query.



Add new todo to task list.

Syntax: todo <description>

Sample usage: todo Drink water

Expected outcome: A new todo will be added to the end of the task list.

Gotcha! I have a paw-fect memory!
  [T][ ] Drink water
You have 1 task(s) in the list.


Add new deadline with due date to task list.

Syntax: todo <description> /by <due date>

Sample usage: deadline Submit homework /by 2022-12-02 12:00

Expected outcome: A new deadline will be added to the end of the task list.

Gotcha! I have a paw-fect memory!
  [D][ ] Submit homework (by: 12-02-2022 12:00)
You have 1 task(s) in the list.


Add new event with start time to task list.

Syntax: event <description> /at <start time>

Sample usage: event Eat lunch /at 2022-12-02 12:00

Expected outcome: A new event will be added to the end of the task list.

Gotcha! I have a paw-fect memory!
  [E][ ] Eat lunch (at: 12-02-2022 12:00)
You have 1 task(s) in the list.


Display the task list.

Syntax: list


Mark a task as done.

Syntax: mark <task number>

Sample usage: task 1

Expected outcome: The first task will be marked as done.

Paw-some! Another task done!
  [T][X] Read book


Mark a task as incomplete.

Syntax: unmark <task number>

Sample usage: unmark 1

Expected outcome: The first task will be marked as incomplete.

Okay master, I've marked this task as incomplete.
  [T][ ] Read book


Delay date of task by 1 day.

Syntax: snooze <task number>

Sample usage: snooze 1

Expected outcome: The first task will be delayed by 1 day.

Gotcha! I've snoozed this task by 1 day. Wanna go for a walk now??
  [D][ ] Read book (by: 29-08-2022 12:30)


Delete a task from the task list.

Syntax: delete <task number>

Sample usage: delete 1

Expected outcome: The first task will be deleted.

Gotcha master! I'll forget about this task!
  [T][ ] Read book
You have 0 task(s) remaining.


Search for a task from the task list.

Syntax: find <search query>

Sample usage: find book

Expected outcome: A list of tasks with descriptions containing the given query will be displayed.

1. [T][ ] Read book
2. [T][X] Write a book


Exit Cheese.

Syntax: bye