This page covers the user requirements memoit attempts to meet.

User Stories

Priority levels:

  • High (must have) - * * *
  • Medium (nice to have) - * *
  • Low (unlikely to have) - *
Priority As a/an …​ I can …​ So that I can…​
* * * user create tasks record down my tasks
* * * user create tags categorize my tasks
* * * user with many devices log into the app through a website view my tasks across multiple devices
* * * user view my past completed tasks have a record of completed tasks
* * mobile user use the app on a mobile device use the app on my mobile device
* tech-savvy user use keyboard shortcuts use the app more efficiently
* aesthetic user toggle between light and dark mode customize the app’s visual aesthetics and ergonomics

Use Cases

For all use cases below, the system is memoit and the actor is the user, unless specified otherwise.

Use case: UC1 - Create an Account


  • User is not logged in.
  • User has not created an account before.


  1. User wants to create a new account.
  2. memoit requests for new account details.
  3. User submits details for new account.
  4. memoit creates a new account for user.

Use case ends.


  • 3a. memoit detects an error in the entered data.
    • 3a1. memoit requests for the correct data.
    • Use case resumes from step 3.

Use case: UC2 - Log In


  • User is not logged in.
  • User has created an account before.


  1. User wants to log in.
  2. memoit requests for login details.
  3. User submits details to log in.
  4. memoit logs the user in.

Use case ends.


  • 3a. memoit detects an error in the entered credentials.
    • 3a1. memoit requests for the correct credentials.
    • Use case resumes from step 3.

Use case: UC3 - Create New Tag


  • User is logged in.


  1. User wants to create a new tag.
  2. memoit requests for title of tag.
  3. User submits title of tag.
  4. memoit creates new tag.

Use case ends.

Use case: UC4 - Create New Task


  • User is logged in.


  1. User wants to create a new task.
  2. memoit requests for details of task.
  3. User submits details of task.
  4. memoit creates new task.

Use case ends.

Use case: UC5 - Update Task Details


  • User is logged in.
  • User has an existing task.


  1. User wants to update details of a task.
  2. memoit requests for details to be updated.
  3. User submits details to be updated.
  4. memoit updates task with updated details.

Use case ends.

Use case: UC6 - Update Task as Completed


  • User is logged in.
  • User has an existing task.


  1. User wants to mark a task as completed.
  2. memoit marks task as completed.

Use case ends.

Use case: UC7 - View Tasks under Specific Tag


  • User is logged in.
  • User has an existing task under a tag.


  1. User wants to view tasks under a specific tag.
  2. memoit returns tasks under specified tag.

Use case ends.

Use case: UC8 - View Tasks under Specific Tag


  • User is logged in.
  • User has an existing task that is marked as completed under a tag.


  1. User views tasks under a specific tag (UC7).
  2. User wants to view completed tasks under specified tag.
  3. memoit returns completed tasks under specified tag.

Use case ends.

Use case: UC9 - Delete Task


  • User is logged in.
  • User has an existing task.


  1. User wants to delete a task.
  2. memoit deletes the specified task.

Use case ends.

Use case: UC9 - Delete Task


  • User is logged in.
  • User has an existing tag.


  1. User wants to delete a tag.
  2. memoit requests for confirmation from user.
  3. User confirms to delete the tag.
  4. memoit deletes the tag and all associated tasks.

Use case ends.


  • 3a. User chooses to cancel the deletion.
    • Use case ends.